nvm 和 n 管理Node版本

发表于:,更新于:,By Minary
  1. 1. n installation
    1. 1.1. Installing Binaries
    2. 1.2. Removing Binaries
  2. 2. Installation
  3. 3. Usage

node 版本变化太快,做很多项目的时候就已经出现了很多因为不同版本带来的问题。为了更快的切换 node 版本,现在比较常用的node版本管理有 nnvm

n installation

$ npm install -g n


$ make install

to $HOME. Prefix later calls to n with N_PREFIX=$HOME

$ PREFIX=$HOME make install

Installing Binaries

Install a few nodes:

$ n 0.8.14
$ n 0.8.17
$ n 0.9.6

Type n to prompt selection of an installed node. Use the up /
down arrow to navigate, and press enter or the right arrow to
select, or ^C to cancel:

$ n

ο 0.8.17

Use or install the latest official release:

$ n latest

Use or install the stable official release:

$ n stable

Switch to the previous version you were using:

$ n prev

Removing Binaries

Remove some versions:

$ n rm 0.9.4 v0.10.0

Instead of using rm we can simply use -:

$ n - 0.9.4

我个人比较喜欢用 nvm , 需要注意的是 nvm 不支持 windows, 下面是nvm的基本用法:


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.17.3/install.sh | bash

wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.17.3/install.sh | bash

git clone https://github.com/creationix/nvm.git ~/.nvm && cd ~/.nvm && git checkout `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`

To activate nvm, you need to source it from your shell:

source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh


To download, compile, and install the latest v0.10.x release of node, do this:

nvm install 0.10

And then in any new shell just use the installed version:

nvm use 0.10

Or you can just run it:

nvm run 0.10 --version

Or, you can run any arbitrary command in a subshell with the desired version of node:

nvm exec 0.10 node --version

In place of a version pointer like “0.10”, you can use the special default aliases “stable” and “unstable”:

nvm install stable
nvm install unstable
nvm use stable
nvm run unstable --version

If you want to use the system-installed version of node, you can use the special default alias “system”:

nvm use system
nvm run system --version

If you want to see what versions are installed:

nvm ls

If you want to see what versions are available to install:

nvm ls-remote

To restore your PATH, you can deactivate it.

nvm deactivate

To set a default Node version to be used in any new shell, use the alias ‘default’:

nvm alias default stable

大部分摘自各自的github 的 readme ,之所以把他们拿过来是为了方便查阅。