Codewars#Did you mean ...?
Description:题目链接I’m sure, you know Google’s “Did you mean …?”, when you entered a search term and mistyped a word. In this kata we want to i
—— Minary 于2014-10-15默默地以 codewars, javascript, string 賣萌
Description:题目链接I’m sure, you know Google’s “Did you mean …?”, when you entered a search term and mistyped a word. In this kata we want to i
—— Minary 于2014-10-15默默地以 codewars, javascript, string 賣萌
Description:题目链接 Extend the String object to create a function that converts the value of the String to and from Base64 using the ASCII char
—— Minary 于2014-10-14默默地以 codewars, javascript, node 賣萌